Janet starts rehearsals next week for her performance on "Dancing With The Stars" during May sweeps. I have never seen the show before but from what I understand, they get 20 million viewers every week. I guess it can't hurt. Yo Jan, call me so we can discuss your look for the show. Enough of those french poodle curls. You need to be rocking that streamlined, straight do you had at the end of the "Feedback" video. I wouldn't be mad if I saw that red jumpsuit and those stiletto boots either but I know repeats are a no no. And let's get to work on the "LUV" video. I've got ideas so lets talk.
i just discovered your blog
what are your source about janet on dancing with the stars
if true that would be so cool and a new 4 janet . when she promote she always do the same stuff
Nate can't reveal his sources for fear that they will no longer spill their guts. Let's just say, they're from deep inside her camp.
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