50 Pennies, or as I like to call him,
Chompers, the Rappin' Monkey (at least he got his teeth fixed), thought he was getting Miss G.O.A.T. but it turned out to be Miss P.I.G.G.Y. I mean come on, she's a trainwreck with no survivors! When she was with B.I.G. she said she was the Black Erica Kane, but now that she's with the Ruler of The Planet of the Apes, I say she's the Black Joan Rivers. Take that back, she look like Miss Swan from Mad TV.
"He looka likea chimp!"And those tracks on her Myspace page or an even bigger disaster. Somebody send this to Foxy with a prison care package. It will make her time behind bars fly by. If B.I.G hadn't been gunned down, her face would've g

iven him a heartache f

or sure.

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