People are going to ask why I'm constantly dogging this chick because I plan on dogging her a lot. I'll answer that question right now. BECAUSE SHE OWES ME MONEY! And no, I'm not the only one. Kelis is a deadbeat, bum bitch who doesn't pay her bills and in the near future, I'll be posting copies of the NUMEROUS lawsuits which illustrate this fact. Her milkshake might have brought the boys to the yard but the lawsuits have people lined up around the block...to get into the courthouse. Let's start with the with the now famous arrest in Miami for disorderly conduct. Mrs. Jones might be bossy, but she's broke as hell. The would-be diva had to get a bail bond for....drumroll please...$200.00. People have been dissing Rapper/Actress, Eve because of her arrest on a DUI but at least she could afford to pay her own bail. And is was a lot more than $200.00. Kelis had to put her car up as collateral and of course, hasn't paid the bail bondsman so he's after the car. Fortunately for her, it's in the garage of her and her Hip Hop royalty husband Nas' Manhattan condo building (on west 17th Street), so the bondsman has to get a court order to retrieve what is now, his property. Plus, there's a boot on the car because the fees on her parking space haven't been paid in several months. Poor Nas. Once again, she'll stick him with the bill. Her favorite line is, "put it on Nas' card." That's because her's is always DECLINED. I hate her so much right now. Arrrrgh!!!
i luv kelis deadbeat or no haha
Ummm.....stop hatin on my gurl Kelis pleazzz
O wow...y u doggin my girl Kelis..haha wt she owe u money 4....thats crazy who u doggin someone over chump change im sure it was..lol
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